It’s time to take a breath of fresh air because June’s full moon in Capricorn is blessing you with clarity, determination and an impeccable creator’s energy. As this is the first summer full moon for the year, right after the Summer Solstice on June 21, the seasonal sultry mood is written in the sky. Also called a Strawberry Supermoon, La Luna will be colored in hues of pink and love, bringing those feel-good vibes to the forefront, and, hopefully, to the seafront.
While the intensity of emotions eminent for this moon’s phase is still present, you will be equipped with Capricorn’s resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. In return, you will be rewarded with a free-flow of enthusiasm, fully ready to embody the mantra “I create my own reality”.
Strawberry Supermoon: Save the Date
The date is June 24, and the time is 11:39am Pacific and 7:39 pm UK time. This is when the Full Moon magic will come into fruition at 3°27’ of Capricorn.
So what’s the theme of the party? According to the Farmer’s Almanac, June’s Full Moon follows an ancient tradition. Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples, among others, have used the name “Strawberry Moon” to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered.
Following this old-held tradition, it’s time to bear the fruits of your efforts that you’ve put in the first half of the year and thrive in the bliss of the second half.
Hint: if you want to know precisely which area of your life the Full Moon in Capricorn is going to affect the most, check which house from your natal chart this transit falls in.

Capricorn Feels
June’s Full Moon is working in alliance with the most typical earth sign of all – Capricorn. If you have friends or family with this sun sign, or you know a thing or two about astrology, then you’re most likely familiar with what this zodiac sign embodies. On the surface, the Capricorn archetype (not just the sun sign, but other positions, too) appears to be extremely hard-working, stable, and strong-willed. Some even might define them as “slightly stubborn”.
But Capricorns are not as transparent as you might think, and the Strawberry Supermoon is here to highlight that. Yes, these qualities are typical for the mountain goats, but at the same time they can be harnessed in a very positive direction. The hard-working and focus-driven nature of Capricorn has the potential to lift mountains, while staying grounded and rooted with a clear vision for the future.
Eyes on the Future
So what is this liaison between the Full Moon and the Capricorn sign teaching us?
Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat. This animal is known for its ability to climb high and reach peaks, while perching itself on perilous rock ledges and keeping its balance. What a better analogy to describe the night sky’s energy?
This is the time to put your focus and resilience into whatever it is that you want to achieve, knowing that you have the full support of the energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn. Yes, you might face some obstacles along the way, but the mountain goat is here to remind you that you, too, can climb high if you persevere, stay rooted, and believe in your own strengths.
This powerful convergence of emotions and ambitions is heightened by a very favorable aspect: Jupiter is sectile the Moon and trine to the Cancer sun. While you are bound to release that which no longer serves you, harnessed by the Cancer water sign, the main theme of this aspect is expansion.
You will be encouraged to envisage a brighter future, to have a bigger perspective and wilder dreams. But you shouldn’t give any attention and energy to what’s collapsing, to the old structure, instead embody Capricorn’s strong will and put your eyes on the future. Focus on the new, on what you want to create in the future, on the joy, love and peace you want to experience, and it will be magnetized by the magical moonlight.
Collectively, we are shifting into a higher vibration and this is the time to envision a better world and just go for it.

Magical Tools
The most obvious ritual-like things you can do honor the Strawberry Full Moon include going for a walk in nature, climbing a mountain, or setting a personal goal for the day and fulfilling it.
But because the Supermoon energy is so intense, you don’t need to go super overboard with your ritual practice, and a simple meditation + gratitude list will be magical enough.
Here is my favorite Strawberry Full Moon ritual idea:
🌚 What you’ll need:
- Small (or big) blank canvas
- Paint
- Strawberry tea
- Fruity incense
🌚 Instructions:
- Prepare your ritual space, light up an incense, play some meditative music, and make yourself an indulgent cup of strawberry tea
- Start with a little meditation to calm your mind, while directing your energy to the moon’s magic
- Take the time to thank the Moon for its blessings, for its cycles, for welcoming the summer, and for being your guardian at all times
- Then the fun part begins! It’s time to draw the Strawberry Moon as you see it in your imagination (or the night sky), while envisioning a future that you love. Don’t shy away from playing with the colors, you can even incorporate healing crystals into your paining by embedding them with glue. Use whatever resonates with you and is in alignment with your future vision. This is your “Full Moon Vision Board” at its best, so have fun with it
- And don’t forget to sip on your indulgent strawberry tea for extra soul-quench
What Are the Best Crystals to Work with During This Full Moon?
- Labradorite – Invokes your intuition and calls upon your vision for the better future. Wear Labradorite-embedded jewelry throughout the Full Moon to step into alignment with your new vibration. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our abundant collection of Labradorite jewelry, as well as, this article on how Labradorite can set your spirit free
- Citrine – calls for your personal power and attracts abundance
- Malachite – encourages you to follow through with your plans
- Obsidian in all its forms (black obsidian, rainbow obsidian, snowflake obsidian, etc.) – the most grounding and stabilizing healing crystal of all, which activates your Root Charka. Definitely recommend to use it during your Full Moon meditation
The mantra for this Full Moon in Capricorn is “I create my own reality”. This is the time to repeat it and embody it. You’re a creator!