Celebrate International Women's Day by Empowering Women

At Daya, we're committed to empowering women not just through the jewelry we create, but also through our partnership with Fior di Loto. As we celebrate International Women's Day, we're excited to announce a special event that will make a real difference in the lives of women in Pushkar, India - where our jewelry is made.

Fior di Loto, our partner charity, is organizing a donation event that will provide sewing machines to underprivileged young women and widows in Pushkar. These sewing machines will enable them to create their own income, supporting themselves and their families.



We're proud to support this cause and want to invite you to join us in making a difference. Here's how you can help:


  1. Make a purchase on our website on March 7-10, and we'll donate 20% of the proceeds to Fior di Loto's donation event.
  2. Donate directly to Fior di Loto's fundraiser and help them reach their goal of providing 150 sewing machines to women in need.


Why Sewing Machines Matter

Sewing machines are not just tools for creating clothes and textiles, they're also a means for economic empowerment. For women in Pushkar, a sewing machine can mean the difference between relying on others for financial support and having the ability to support themselves and their families.

Many women in Pushkar face significant challenges when it comes to finding work and earning a living. Widows, in particular, often struggle to support themselves and their children after the loss of their husbands. By providing them with sewing machines, Fior di Loto is giving these women the means to create their own income and become financially independent.

The Impact of Your Donation

By joining us in supporting Fior di Loto's donation event, you'll be making a tangible impact in the lives of women in Pushkar. Your donation will go directly towards providing sewing machines and training to underprivileged young women and widows, empowering them to create a sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families.

But the impact of your donation goes beyond just the women who receive the sewing machines. By supporting this cause, you're also contributing to the overall wellbeing of the community. When women have the means to support themselves and their families, everyone benefits. Children can attend school, families can access healthcare, and the community as a whole can thrive.



At Daya Jewelry, we believe that empowering women is not just the right thing to do, it's also the smart thing to do. When women have the tools and resources they need to succeed, everyone benefits. We're proud to support Fior di Loto's donation event and invite you to join us in making a real difference in the lives of women in Pushkar. 

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